Articles: Physician Assisted Suicide

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A Philosophical Argument against Physician Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: A Natural Law argument that physician assisted suicide and euthanasia are wrong because they aim to intentionally kill an innocent human being, which is always wrong to deliberately do.

Assisted Suicide and the Slippery Slope: Argues that adopting Euthanasia and physician assisted suicide leads both practically and theoretically by a slippery slope, to alarming conclusions.

What Happened in Europe: Looks at what happened and is happening in the Netherlands where assisted suicide and euthanasia have long been legal. The Dutch experiment should make us concerned about the consequences of legalizing PAS and euthanasia here.

The Concerning Case of Oregon: Nor need we look as far as Europe to see, in practice, the problems of legalizing euthanasia. Oregon raises a number of concerns and offers a numerous reasons we should be hesitant to legalize PAS.

My Life, My Death, My Choice: Why Not: Examines a slogan popular with the pro-assisted suicide movement and points out numerous problems with it.

Do No Harm: Doctors and Physician Assisted Suicide: Examines the effect of physician assisted suicide on the medical profession, on the role of the doctor, and on the doctor-patient relationship.

Can We Be “Better Off Dead“: Physician Assisted Suicide often seems to rest on the idea that some people’s quality of life is so low, they are “better off dead.” This articles examines why that claim is logically contradictory and argues that what is really required is improved palliative care.